by: Alex Anderson
C&T Publishing
Alex Anderson's bundles of baby quilts!!! First-timers and experts will love the charming designs. No one does illustrated instructions better than Alex, and her bright, friendly style is perfectly suited to her new love-baby quilts! You'll find pastels, brights and primaries; bees, baskets, and beaches.
Today's moms want to be on trend and these quilts are just that! Fresh, Fun, Fabulous, and Fast these quilts positively buzz with energy!
First time quilters can make many of the quilts with an expanded "how to" section and advanced quilters can take advantage of the ease and simplicity of the projects. Quilts are ranked by ease of construction with pacifiers. "One pacifier" indicates an easy and appropriate project for the beginning quilter, "three pacifiers" for those with quilting experience. Twelve simple and achievable crib sized baby quilts to choose from, perfect for baby's needs. You'll love making something special for the little ones in your life.
All items come from a completely SMOKE-free environment.
Thanks for shopping & happy quilting!!
"Our lives are like quilts - bits and pieces, joy and sorrow, stitched with love."