SORRY this Kitchen is CLOSED 5.25" x 5.25" Magnet by Sunnyside Quilts #KIT525

This Kitchen is CLOSED
Due to a QUILTING Emergency
5.25" x 5.25" Flexible Magnet
from Sunnyside Quilts
Too busy quilting to cook??? This sign will let your family and friends know that they are on their own for dinner!
“Sorry this Kitchen is CLOSED” is a 5-1/4in x 5-1/4in flexible magnet with rounded corners. This is the perfect notification to attach to any magnetic surface when your quilting project trumps dinner! Let the family fend for themselves or, better yet, let them cook for YOU!!!
Note: Not all refrigerators have a magnetic surface.
This makes a great gift for the quilters in your life. (Don't forget to pick up one for yourself, too!)
Thanks for Shopping & Happy Quilting!
"Quilting with friends will keep you in stitches."